
Welcome to the writing page!

Here you can find some of my writing. Be aware: some of the writing posted here can contain graphic violence and other dark themes. Every story has global content tags, but reader discretion is advised. Scroll down to see the tags that may apply.

D&D campaign fic(Curse of Strahd):

Off the leash ⚔ 🗡 ✧New✧ - A hypothetical encounter between Julius and Rahadin. Set in campaign-era Barovia, some time shortly after the dinner

Dinner hypothetical 🗡 - What if the dinner had not gone as well as it did? Set in campaign era Barovia.

Party in modern Barovia ☑ - The gang goes to a lavish party hosted by Dreds mom. Set in an unspecified modern version of Barovia.

A night in Vallaki ⚔ ⚧ - Julius has a bad dream. Set in campaign-era Barovia the day after the Vallaki church burned down.

Beginnings ⚔ 🗡 🕱 ⚧ - The defining moments of Julius' backstory. Set in the Curse of Strahd universe but about 10 years pre-cannon.

The following tags may apply:

☑ No warnings apply

⚔ Graphic violence

🗡Graphic injury

👁 Body horror

🕱 Child injury or death

⚧ Body issues and/or gender dysphoria

⚠ Other specified warning, check story header

🛇 Unspecified, read at own discretion